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EasTDVET (2023-2024) Erasmus+ programme

Easing Transfer of Digital project results to VET


Designation: EasTDVET. Easing Transfer of Digital project results to VET.

Project: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, call 2022, of the Key Action 2 of the Cooperation partnerships in Vocational Education and Training, Small-scale Partnership.

Identification of the project: 2023-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000150609.

Duration: 10 months, from September 2023 to June 2024.

Budget: 60.000,00 €.

Coordinator: Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (Germany).

Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain); Scuola Costruzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio (Italy); Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers (Belgium); Knowledge and skills management centre -K&S- (Republic of Macedonia); Business and Hospitality Training Center (Lithuania).


The 'EasTDVET' project focuses on easing transfer of digital results from other projects to Vocational Education and Training (VET). To this end, six training institutions from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Macedonia, coordinated by BZB from Germany, have joined forces to exchange on a transnational level and look for new ways to improve the use that VET trainers and head teachers make of the digital results developed through European programmes.


  • Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis of VET staff in addressing the digital transformation of classrooms, including formal, legislative and administrative aspects that promote or hinder this change, in order to draw general conclusions on how to overcome these limitations.
  • Conclusions and development of a Tool-box for change management in the VET institutions of the partnership.
  • Development of a new strategic approach to implement and use digital tools to improve the exploitation of the results of existing and future digital projects.
  • Establishment of a long cooperation between European VET institutions in the field of digital management.



The EasTDVET project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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